It is no doubt that a good book is always better than hundred friends. Books are the real source of passing information from one generation to another, thus enabling our-self in filling the generation gap. Information passing is an important act for knowledge growth. KVS as an institution which understands the need of books in the life of a human, but think for a while, is everybody able to purchase a book???, the answer is clearly NOOOO!!!!!!

So to overcome this problem KVS came with an innovative Initiative in the form of ‘Pustakoupahar‘, where students are motivated to donate their books to previous year passed students.

The concept of ’Pustakoupahar’ (Passing over of the textbooks to juniors students) has been developed with the objective of using  relatively new-used books by the students of all age groups before the beginning of an academic year. The books are especially useful for children from low economic backgrounds, who in spite of being able to afford education, are unable to afford academic session. Beside a step like this brings an opportunity to let the text books have a new life, inculcate a spirit of bonding between students. The students learn and exhibit responsible moral behavior, and contribute a student’s effort towards saving money and environment.

Therefore, students are requested to come forward and give their textbooks and other related study material to the immediate juniors through Library.


The Week Long Celebration is here!!



Activities planned during National Library Week 2022

1 Story Telling :- FOR class I – II. Record a One- Minute Video and send on my no. by 18th November

2 Sentence Master :- For Class III- V. Make english sentences on FIVE Library related words on 19th November. Words will be given on the day of Competition. Students will have to bring a Plain A4 Size Sheet for it.

3. Vocabulary Champ:- For Class VI- VIII. One Minute Vocabulary Test, highest scorer from each class will be awarded First, Second and Third based on score obtained as the competition is between Classes VI , VII and VIII.

4. Poster Making:- For Class IX – X. On Importance of Library Submit the poster by 19th November in the Library. Poster submitted beyond 19th will not be considered.

5. Mass Reading for all Classes during Library Period.

6. Book Exhibition in November 2022 (As and when the Newly Ordered Books arrive)


Inauguration of the Book Club at KV Ghumarwin!!

The Library Department is pleased to announce that “A Book Club” is being formed in the Vidyalaya for the Session 2022-23.


Members of the Book Club will meet on the last day of every month to discuss their thoughts on a particular book, what they liked in the book, what they learnt from it. Softcopy of that book will be provided to every member, and each member has to read that book in a one month’s time. On the last day of the month, the members of the club will discuss about the book.The choice of that one book which will be read each month will rest in the hands of Library Deptt.


The Inauguration Ceremony of Book Club will be on Monday 31st Oct after 12:30PM in School Library.


Now you may ask, we already have Readers Club, what was the need for this? Or How Book Club is different from Readers Club?
The answer is, while the Readers Club members are responsible for overall library promotion/planning competitions and giving suggestions for book purchase etc., Book Club will focus only on improving “widespread reading”!

Who can Join?

Any student from Class VI-X , who has genuine love for reading different genres of Book.


Click on the Button Below and fill the form to Register for Book Club.